Hello and welcome to my third lesson. If you are interested in the previous 2 lessons, you can find them HERE and HERE. Today's lesson is a bit different - no pictures...just an activity for you to do!!
Today, I read about the Fibonacci Series and The Golden Section! Jim is really confusing me at this part but I do clearly remember talking about this when I was waaaaay back in High School. The Fibonacci series (which is mentioned in the Da Vinci Code) is an aesthetically pleasing division of space often used by artists. It is found frequently in nature (i.e., I remember my high school teacher telling us about conch shells and pineapples). In my book (Design Basics Index by Jim Krause) Jim shares how the divisions are obtained using math and a value known as Phi. At this point in the book, Jim offers an exercise to make a Golden Section ruler so I've done just that. Although Jim explains how to use vector-based software (whatever the heck that is...) I've just used good ole' cardstock!! In his example, he directs you to make a 13" long line and mark at 8". Well, that size of ruler is just not helpful unless you are a 12" x 12" scrapbooker (which I am not, I only work on *" x 11") so I cut is in half so my ruler is 6 1/2" with a mark at 4". I added 2 contrasting colors of designer paper on the 2 seperate sections and made 1/2" marks along the back.
What has been very interesting about this ruler is that I've taken it and layed it against some of my previously made cards and guess what.... the main images or panels usually fall at Phi!! Wow, now that is cool! Go make your own ruler and check some of your cards. I'll bet you find the same thing!
I know I haven't really expained this very well but Jim says that if you google or search for more information about Phi you will find tons.
Thanks for visiting. I have some really fun cards for the next lesson so make sure you drop back next Tuesday!!!
OMG. At first glance that looked like a PREGNANCY test to me! I thought you were announcing a pregnancy!!! LOL!!!!!
That is an interesting read, have to get a ruler..:)
Oh, this makes my head hurt. I think I need to read this one a few more times to get. I get the basic understanding, but trying to figure out how to use it when making cards.
I never heard of Phi. I've learned something new today! Thanks for sharing all this info, I'm playing along.
Joyce Traub
I went to Wikipedia. There is a flower drawing showing petals that are numbered. There are five large ones, and five smaller inner ones. Might have to play with this using the Pick a Petal SU stamp set. You've really set me thinking.
Hmmm - interesting lesson! Maybe you could post a picture using your ruler next to a card. I think I know what you are talking about.
Thanks for sharing all these!!
thanks so much for the info. this sounds very interesting. like fenf shway...i know i'm way off on the spelling on that one! lol
Thanks so much for sharing with us, I am finding this fascinating!
OOOOO! I am a scrapbooker and will use my new 'ruler' for my 12 x 12 pages! Off to check my books and thanks again for your great information....inspiring!
So your main image lands on or around Phi...which is your 4" mark (Jim's 8" mark)?? Is that right?? And that is where they are SUPPOSED to be right?? I think I get it!!! LOL
Ouch! had to read that once more. hmmmm....sounds like the third-two-thirds rule that i learned in floral design. does Jim have to make it sound so complicated?
hehehe - yes, like I said, it is VERY complicated. But the PHI thing is amazing...go check your cards, if you look at the measurement...your main image, or key element almost always falls at the mark.
and NO it is not a PREGNANCY test -- nice try there toodypie :-) hehehe
This is very interesting idea to apply to card design. I would never have thought of that but the idea fascinates me.
However, if you really want to construct a smaller ruler that still holds to the Fibonacci ratio, I think you need to start with an 8" ruler and make your second color start at 5" (because the fibonacci series starts 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21.......). If you want an even smaller ruler, start with 5" ruler and put the second color at 3".
I had heard of the law of the thirds which identifies columns and the points of interest where they intersect but I had never heard of this. Thanks for much for sharing - I'm making my ruler now
I have no idea what the "mark" is when you say the main element will fall at the mark. WHICH mark? Guess I better go read about the Fibonacci series. I took a famous Floral Design course and never heard of the rule of thirds OR the series OR Phi. How deprived was I? :-)
There are SOME people who were born knowing the rules of Design and don't even realize they are lucky. They think ALL of us have the same capability, if we just practice enough.
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