Wednesday, February 6, 2008

\What do you get when you cross Roxie, Sharon and Julia??

Well, you get an awesome card!!
I decided to play with Roxie's sketch challenge #162 tonight. But I also wanted to play along with Sharon's Stamp Simply Challenge #20 - Pretties. Then I realized that the card also fit with Julia's Ways To Use It Challene 141!
So, what's a girl to do but combine the three!
Roxie's challenge is pretty straight forward...see the sketch, that's it!! :-) If you haven't participated in a sketch challenge, you really should. They are a ton of fun!!
Julia's challenge asked us to use stitching on our card. I love to pull out my sewing maching and put some stitching on a card. It makes the card feel more soft and warm...just my opinion!! I knew that the stitching would go great with the fabric I was planning to use!!
For Sharon's challenge, she asked us to pull out our pretties and use them on a card. See that fabric...that's my pretty!! I've had it for almost a year now...saw it in a scrapbooking store and loved it instantly but have never gotten around to using it (it was just too pretty and I'm into hoarding the pretty stuff). I also have some other pretties on here too. The flower is a vanilla Bazzill Basics flower...only use them on very special cards!! And see that hat pin, just found those in a craft store in Calgary!! My first time trying such elegance on a card!! And, see all the designer paper...well, that is K&Company stuff!! I love their paper, truely elegant and beautiful! I have a hard time using it (the hoarding thing again) but I made myself pull it out and use it!!
Thanks ladies for all the inspiration!!
Supplies: Cardstock-Very Vanilla (SU); Designer Paper (K&Company), Stamps-Green Thumb (Papertrey Ink); Ink-Old Olive (SU); Accessories-Fabric (Junkits), flower (Bazzill Basics), Button (unknown), thread (DMC), ribbon (SU), hat pin (unknown), sewing maching and thread.
Thanks for visiting !!


Chris (catt871) said...

WOW!! Gorgeous card my friend!!!

Hey, you need to come join us in the yahoo group for SBS4 sisters.....I just started a secret sister thing....come play with will be fun!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely pretty! The fabric is gorgeous and the sentiment is perfect. Since I love combining challenges, I am SO impressed that you were able to get four on one card -- way to go!

Anonymous said...


Jocy said...

Great card, lovely colors!

Marjorie said...

I love this!! It's so very pretty and elegant! Wonderful colors and dp and the embellies add the perfect sweet touch! LOVELY!

Sharon (notimetostamp) said...

This card is fabulous!!! Loved it when I saw it on SCS -- and I LOVE that you used a regular piece of fabric on the card -- it works wonderfully -- what a fabulous card -- I totally love it -- and I'm so glad you played -- and a triple yet to boot!!! LOL!!!

Kelly L said...

You GET one gorgeous card. That's what you GET!! Terrific. I love the colors and the pattern on the material is terrific.