Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Scrapbook page

I wanted to share one of my very first scrapbooking pages I made about a year and a half ago. It is still one of my favorite pages. The pictures are of my son at the Build a Bear workshop store in the West Edmonton Mall. We were there for a family holiday and came across the store by accident. It looked like so much fun we had to give it a try. As you can see, my son enjoyed it so much!! And continues to love his bear today! For the left page, I created a quilted look by spritzing my cardstock with water, crumpling it, and then ironing it flat. Then, I actually hand stitched all of those quilt pieces!! My fingers were sooooo sore by the time I was done!! I also made those little read hearts from Fimo clay and painted them red. My favorite part of this page is the tilted close up of the "heart" being placed inside the bear in the middle. On the right side page, I wanted to show how much the bear has been loved over the years. I included a file folder and, although you can't see the front, it has all the places that the bear has travelled with us! Then, when you open it up, there are pictures of the bear now. He is looking pretty "worn" so I distressed the pictures, using sandpaper on them and then my Close to Cocoa on the edges to make it look distressed!! Finally, on this last picture, you can see the "quilting" that I did on this second page. I made little tears and cut some of the stitching so that the page matched the worn look of the bear in the pictures! I think it all came together well and it certainly shares a very special story for our family!! Thanks for visiting!!


Chris (catt871) said...

OMG Donelda!! That is THE cutest thing I have seen in forever!!! It brought a tear to my eye...what a special keepsake for your son!!! I bet he will treasure that forever!!! And the curls on your son's head....WOWZERS!!!!! CUTE!!!! ;)

Kelly L said...

Your pages are wonderful!! I love the stitching on the little quilted pieces. Wow, that must have taken forever!! I do LOVE it though, and your son is just adorable with his cute little bear. These pages are a true treasure and what a wonderful memory to have and to cherish!! Great job, girl! :) Kel

Anonymous said...


scrappernic said...

LOVE this page. There are so many detailed touches and surprises. FABULOUS!