Saturday, February 16, 2013

Scrapbook Starting Point with Shimelle - You Can Teach (Scrapbook)

Sorry!  I haven't been a very good blogger these days!  Life continues to be busy.  I continue to do what I can and keep this fun. 
Today I have another page that I created using one of Shimelle's starting points as a ... well, starting point.  You can see here blog post HERE.  This is the starting point that she wanted us to use. 
I have messed around with it a bit.  I have turned the whole thing 90 degrees and the red square is actually smaller than the vellum piece. 
In addition to using Shimelle's starting point, I also borrowed some inspiration from one of her guests - Corrie Jones, who did a great guest spot on Shimelle's blog talking about different ways to use mists.  One of her ideas was to use mists to paint.  I used some electric blue (Tattered Angeles) and Silver (Tattered Angels) to paing large stripes across a piece of white cardstock. 
The page is about me taking skiing lessons for the first time.  Yup, being 44 is not going to stop me from doing all kinds of things.  And I learned that you really can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!!  LOL!!
I am off to link my page up on Shimelle's blog.  You should come and play too! 
Thanks for dropping by for a visit!


  1. What a fun page, Donelda! I've been meaning to try my mists as paints, just haven't yet. Looks great the way you've used them, though! This dog has no desire to try downhill skiing. :P
    (Also, apologies for not having written you back... as you say, life does get busy. I'll email soon.)

  2. I really like what you did with this layout. Great job! Just do it as you can and enjoy life. You are too young to stress so much, take it easy.


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